Cherane in Royal Academy in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana 1962. Indiana State licensed 1962. Worked downtown Merdian Street in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Please forgive the looks of this...over forty years and I took the 'Eagle' off to take this scan
Click to read: Updating, come back and visit to see more of same
Downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. Royal Cosmetology Academy.
...and then I became a 'blonde'
1964 my first Salon. Today, LakeWood Park Market is still there, minus the Salon as I closed it down in 1966 to move into my newly built Salon across the Interstate 'Sunshine State Parkway.'
 look close to the left and you'll see Beauty Salon including over my entrance door to the far left.. This door entrance today is going into the Market where in this picture you can see the entrance to the Market is to the far right of the building.
Warranty Deed to Sharon Monroe (Cherane) SINGLE with purchasing my new building.( Notice, parents to Cinthya of New World Parrots in Fort Pierce, at that time she was 12 years old)
Yep, In more ways then one did this family help to fulfill my this building, two the Scarlet Macaw in my living room today. This contract was second step with my first handing Emerson Samson and his wife, Katherine my napkins with my drawing of my 'building' for my business. That is right, napkins. This contract is on a 5 inch by 7 inch
I built this building with my taking my napkins with drawings to Katherine Samson at her kitchen table. Emerson called his son, Howard Samson over to talk about my dream of building this building as he was a contractor and I wanted a building for my business.
The following NOTE I found in the hurricane cleanup this week January 17,2006 with parts dissolved however one can read clearly of my note for two loans on one note: Certainly cannot write up contracts and notes like this today on building a commercial building.:)
1967 moved into this building from my business where I'm standing taking these pictures
Happy moments with my boys.
This building served many people for close to thirty-five years as a Hair and Skin Salon till July of 1999.
Update, I have sold this building to further help me through my disaster of the hurricanes.
Styling Show 1967 I gave this show for the Fort Pierce and Vero Beach,Fl residents.
....and then a 'Red Head"
My third Salon in Fort Pierce, Florida located on US1. 15 stylist and 1,800 sq feet of serving both men and women including children. I was 27 years of age.
The D'or Room opened in 1969 sold 1974.
Opening Day. Notice the 'Parrots of Blue along side the Yellow Parrot' in the Drapes. I also had the wall paper behind all 11 stations with the same 'Blue and Yello Parrot Design".
 Look at the Blue Birds on my salon wallpaper and the drapes above picture...already a fancy of the 'blue' birds!
Picture taken 1971 My third (3) Salon Blonde again.....
My last place of business in the Cosmetology arena. I opened in 1996 and closed this year. I considered this to my one of my failures in my means of living and life... yet, I do see positive advances made in my means of making a living due to my opening this place of business, Suite A Confidential on 20th Street (Hwy 60 ) in Vero Beach, Florida.
Two rooms are to the left of this view. Exit also to the left by desk.
Back door to the Skin Clinic
Over thirty five years my Business Establishment has been inspected by the State Of Florida. I have the last inspection sheet so you'll have an idea of what I'm practiced in throughout my life in regard to following 'rules' . I have NEVER been written up for anything in any of my businesses.
Also, please find that Cosmetologist for the most years in Florida have to renew their license with an Educational Requirement.
Please view one certificate of such a renewal of my last license which 16 hours are required. I'm practiced in studying for the State of Florida Requirement for my license renewal.
click Inspection sheet to read
This site was designed and built by: Cherane Pefley Copyright © 2001. All rights reserved